Jessica Murray is a writer in Austin, Texas. Her book BREAKFAST IN FUR launched September 6, 2022 from Galileo Press and was short-listed for Harbor Edition’s Laureate Prize and a finalist for Eyewear Publishing’s Totally Free Best of the Bottom Drawer Global Writing Prize. She has a day job, now. She gets up with the birds.
Poetry manifesto
1) If I think a poem or collection of poems is good and I want to be certain, I measure myself in the doorway. If I was 71 inches before, I am at least 71.001 after my encounter. Or, I’m wider. On the scale, it depends. Is it calibrated to record the gain or loss of a feather?
Selected online poems
The Fourth Georgic
Memorious Issue 23. Cover art by Betty Press.
Box May Contain Some or All of the Following Items
The Boiler, Issue 32. Cover art by Eliana Miranda.
Hour Before Birdsong
The Cortland Review, Issue 87. Cover art by Shane Allison.
Additional, mostly hardcopy publications
Thumbing through back copies, you can find me in: 32 Poems, AGNI Online, Barrow Street, Birmingham Poetry Review, Booth, Cherry Tree, Construction Literary Magazine, Cream City Review, ellipsis…literature & art, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Shenandoah, and Sporklet.
Miscellaneous writing
A defunct interview series filled with green thoughts in green shades
Jessica is the author of the poetry collection Breakfast in Fur (Galileo Press.) Her poems, essays, reviews, and one poetry manifesto appear in the Birmingham Review, The Boiler, Cherry Tree, Cortland Review, Free State Review, Hapden-Sydney Review, Memorious, Painted Bride Quarterly, and other journals.
She has an MFA from University of Florida and a doctorate from University of North Texas and lives in Austin, Texas, with her family, including two ornery dogs almost as old as her marriage.